Posted on 10/19/2015

The sheer number of factors that are considered during an emissions test, makes it a formidable barrier for most vehicle owners to clear the test. If you don’t follow a regular, timely maintenance schedule, chances are you won’t get through the emission test. On that note, here are 5 tips to pass an emissions test. Mix Fuel with Additives Oil change rule #1 – Get an oil change every 3,000 miles…or so. Additives are used to enhance the quality of fuel that are used in a vehicle. The benefits of fuel additives include improved performance and fuel efficiency. Fuel additives are, however, great to keep the engine healthy, primarily because they prevent buildup in the motor, in turn, leaving you with a properly lubricated, clean engine. Fuel additives are very useful in lowering the emission levels so that your vehicle easily passes the emissions test. Never let anyone but a certified mechanic perform any kind of an emissio ... read more